Because of the embarrassment and shame attached to farting, we hold in a lot of crap. We
gather painful events and suppress them just like we stuff things in our closets, attics, and basements
that we don’t want to throw away. We keep them there for years. But why, why do we put this stuff in
storage? We cannot figure out what to do with it, but it must bring us some kind
of reward.
Our attics and basements are filled with old stuff from our past. It may bring fond memories, but holding on to stuff and collecting stuff can easily
overcrowd our living space and overcrowd our enjoyable space, just like
in the mind.
When our living space/enjoyable spaces become
cluttered with old stuff, others
seem to recognize it before we do. What happens when they bring it to our
attention? We defend our stuff—our baggage. We identify who we are by that old
stuff. We cling to it fearing if we let it go we are losing a part of ourselves
we need to be happy or content.
For two decades, I carried around a pair of old Thom Mcan shoes I bought
when I was seventeen. They were the first things I bought with my paycheck from
my first real job. I called them snow stompers. Living on the East Coast, I needed them. Every winter
I brought them out and told my children the same story about how long I had them, and
how I bought them with my first paycheck from my first job. Then one day about
eight years ago, they just disappeared. I suspect my oldest daughter retired them and the stories they carried.
Many times, I wish I still had them.
Space is an awesome no-thing. In fact, the universe is composed of more space than actual galaxies, stars, and planets. The
earth travels through this space at the rate of 66,700 miles
per hour. That is why we feel so inspired at the park or at the waterfront, or in St.
Peter’s Cathedral. These places reek of awesome
beauty and possibility; they’re also very spacious.
The more stuff we suppress in our mental and physical space, the more that awesome
emptiness drains away, and the more overwhelmed we feel. We need space to enjoy
the things that do exist. When you buy a new dress or suit, give one away. Cherish your space more than
Space is an awesome no-thing. That is why we feel so
inspired because of it. It is awe-inspiring yet within it exist endless possibilities. It connects to our soul. Keep a clean, spacious
consciousness, by not holding on to junk, such as envy, past hurts, or vengefulness. Even the energy it takes to dislike someone takes up a lot of space in your mind. Negative thought energy disperses inside our mind and body, the same way darkness encompasses the night and pervades everything
around it.
Suppressing negative thoughts is like shoving poison deep into your body. Notice the next time a thought comes that you don’t want to deal with; the
first reaction is to send it back where it came from, or shove it down inside the body. Pay close attention to how you feel
physically the moment you shove that thought back or down
inside the body.
There is a noticeable adverse physical reaction, like when you eat something bad and
your stomach is in a knot. When I’ve done it, I've
actually felt a sensation traveling throughout my body, through my nervous system or
blood stream or
both, like I ate something I was allergic to. That is one sensation I am well
used to.
That feeling is the negative emotion attached to the thought. I learned however, instead
of pushing the thoughts and emotion back down, inside the body, I let them come up, one at a
time. I visualize the thought moving up, out of the
head, and then release it by consciously sending it out of the body. This way
it causes no physical harm to the body. The result is a wonderful freedom.
When I have done this
successfully, the thought never returns to me again, ever, with that awful negative emotion attached to it. Try releasing your
negative thoughts and feelings this way. If you want them back, you have to
go find them in the universe. Good luck with that! Once you set that thought and
feeling free, thereby diffusing them, they are gone forever.
Imagine that! If you experience it again, simply
repeat the procedure, but this time make sure you have allowed the thought to fully surface before releasing
it. For me, once has always been enough. Of course you will think of the situation from time to time, but it
will seem like a lifetime ago, and it will have no emotional effect.
You’ve just read an excerpt from Fart in The Wind, Get Rid
of Emotional Flatulence. Get your copy today at and on Amazon.
Available in Paperback and on Kindle.
Learn more in my blogs/articles and books! Feel free to
contact me if you need additional guidance on your journey to the freedom and
transformation applied spirituality
Vivian Gale., AS, BA, Counselor
Author of “Fart in the Wind”, Get Rid of Emotional Flatulence © 10/2015
This article may not
be redistributed in full or in part without express permission from the author
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